
Santa Fe Panorama 1982Miguel Gandert - Courtesy of the Artist And Andrew Smith Gallery, Inc., Santa Fe

Memory and imagination are important components in developing a sense of place in photography. Santa Fe is a city that lives on its history, in its past. Old photographs evoke a palpable nostalgia even in those who recognize nothing in them except a sense of longing.

The photographs in this exhibition provide a way to measure the circular rather than linear nature of time here in the "City Different." The images allow us to measure change and assess the visual impact of our own mark on the places we live.

Being a part of any place, no matter for how long, makes us all, in some measure, responsible to it. These photographs reveal the past as well as the present, offering views from mountaintops we rarely climb, conclusions we might otherwise avoid.

Excerpted from essays by Lucy Lippard & Mary Anne Redding
Through the Lens: Creating Santa Fe
Santa Fe: MNM Press, 2009